RTC Military Road Capacity & Safety Project

Project Description
The RTC is beginning the design process to improve and widen Military Road between Lemmon Drive and Lear Boulevard in Reno. The project will add safety, roadway capacity, and improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities to increase multimodal transportation options in the North Valleys area of our community. The project will also incorporate drainage improvements, provide access control, and modify intersections to improve safety and accessibility for everyone. This project represents a significant investment of approximately $25.5 million into our community funded with Regional Road Impact Fees.
Community Benefits:
- Enhanced traffic flow and safety
- Increased roadway capacity to accommodate more vehicles efficiently
- Enriched multimodal transportation opportunities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and people on scooters
- Enhanced safety measures at intersections
- Improved drainage systems
- Accessibility improvements
Project Timeline:
The project design process is underway now and is anticipated to continue through spring 2025. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2025.
Project Map:

Preliminary Roadway Design Cross Section:

Shared-use path alternative:
- 4-lane widening from Lemmon Drive to Lear Boulevard.
- Allows for accessibility for pedestrians, bicyclists, and scooters, while increasing roadway capacity for vehicles
- Allows for pedestrian connectivity on the non-shared-use path side without constructing new facilities
Military Road Capacity & Safety Project
April 2024 – Public Meeting #1 Materials
Public Meeting Materials – English
Materiales de la reunión – Español
RTC Project Manager:
Austin McCoy
(775) 335-1824
[email protected]